what's really interesting about this... if people are more likely to open an email because it has a negative subject line, they will automatically... apply a negative angle to that. If they are more likely to open... because of the subject line being positive, they will... apply the emotion that they need to open that email.
Takeaway:So it's, it's 39% open rate. And now what's interesting about this subject line is it doesn't tell you whether it's a good one or a bad one. It doesn't say amazing 39% open rate. It doesn't say this is a, you know, only 39% of people opened this, it just says 39% open rate and it has this ambiguity around how we should feel about that.
Takeaway:So there are going to be certain phrases, certain words, that really don't jam with you, that really jar with you. In fact, that you are not going to want to include in your emails.
Takeaway:the way to not have to be super pushy in your emails is to remember that the email doesn't have to do all of the selling. Usually, the job of the email is to get people to maybe reply and then start a sales conversation... or go click a link, go look at a video which does the selling.
Takeaway:So just break down the steps. So the job of the top of the email... is just to get them to read the next bit of the email... We're just getting people to take a little step rather than need a huge heaving push. And that's really the key to not having to be so pushy.
Takeaway:You do have to be true to what you're comfortable with. So there's some cheesy phrases in marketing I just really don't like... But you do have to be true to what you're comfortable with.
Takeaway:And then why it is important and urgent... that they solve this problem now and then making the case for it. So what a lot of our marketing has to be, especially in our emails... is really making your solution and solving the problem they've got an urgent priority because until it's a priority to somebody, they're not gonna do it.
Takeaway:I often talk with our email hero blueprint clients and students about all marketing being like a relay race where you have to pass the baton and the big mistake a lot of people make with their email marketing is to try and get the email... to do too much... So remember that each piece of the marketing journey just has to do one thing, this rule of one, we're going back to it again. I talk about it a lot, this rule of one.
Takeaway:Because I truly believe that, it's very easy. In fact, it's impossible for me to not get excited and infect people, lovely, infect people with this excitement around the product. So that excitement becomes infectious and that's what you want. Do you want to be infectiously excited about the impact you can have with your program?
Takeaway:But the way you write email copy that actually gets sales without being pushy is that it's not just about making really big promises. Like one of the reasons I think some sales copy comes across as too pushy is because it's talking about you're going to achieve this huge thing. And this is this massive outcome, when actually a lot of sales copy needs to be talking about the trouble that someone's having, the pain that they are in, the position they currently find themselves in.