'Here's an interesting one for you. It's just the word 'Effort'... It really stands out in the inbox... it has this really weird level of curiosity... We're not giving it a positive or negative context... That's what creates the compound curiosity.'
Takeaway: • Use minimalistic subject lines to grab attention. • Invoke curiosity by using ambiguous language. • Test single-word subject lines to improve open rates.'We don't want the fact that they haven't consumed the first thing they bought from you to be the reason they don't buy the next thing... So they know how damn good the thing was... even if they don't look at it.'
Takeaway: • Provide consumption emails that share value and tips from the product. • Reinforce the benefits they have gained or will gain. • Encourage future purchases by increasing their confidence in your offerings.'I want to have a consumption sequence... that is so good and so exciting... that they realize how good the thing they just bought was even if they never look at the thing... resell them on the thing they just bought.'
Takeaway: • Use follow-up emails to highlight key benefits of the purchased product. • Share tips and insights from the product to increase perceived value. • Prevent the 'I'll buy after I use the first thing' objection by reinforcing satisfaction.'You have to consider aligning the upselling and the additional sales mechanism with any onboarding you have... You don't want to get in the way of onboarding somebody... because you're busy trying to sell them more stuff.'
Takeaway: • Prioritize customer onboarding to ensure satisfaction with initial purchase. • Schedule upsell offers after customers have acclimated to your product. • Avoid overwhelming new customers with too many offers at once.'If you have the right additional offers to make to your audience, they will buy from you. The other thing that you can do, of course... is to recommend that other product to my audience... in exchange for an affiliate commission.'
Takeaway: • Build automated sequences that present upsells and related offers. • Include both your own products and carefully selected affiliate offers. • Ensure every customer has the opportunity to purchase additional solutions.'Way back at the beginning of the business... we went too broad... we produced some content which was about productivity even though we teach email marketing... That is too far away from email marketing.'
Takeaway: • Keep your additional offers closely aligned with your main area of expertise. • Avoid diluting your brand by offering unrelated products. • Focus on solving problems directly connected to your core services.'Once somebody's got that in place... what is the next problem or set of problems that that person's gonna have? So... we have our core offer... but related to that... is traffic and list building... and conversion mechanisms.'
Takeaway: • Identify subsequent challenges your customers face after using your product. • Develop complementary products addressing those challenges. • Keep offers closely related to your core product to maintain relevance.'A really simple way... of designing a product range is to think about it as sort of DIY, do it yourself, is the first offer... then it's DWY, done with you... And then the premium is DFY, done for you.'
Takeaway: • Start with accessible, self-service products to attract customers. • Offer higher-value services with more support or done-for-you options. • Create a clear path for customer ascension through your offerings.'Advertising is getting more and more expensive, it's getting more competitive. The cost of getting new leads and getting new subscribers, it's going up and up and up. So we want to make sure that when somebody buys something, we've got a good enough backend roster of products for us to make a good return on our ad spend.'
Takeaway: • Develop a range of products to increase customer lifetime value. • Use backend offers to offset rising customer acquisition costs. • Focus on retaining customers instead of solely seeking new ones.'When someone buys something from you, their chances of buying from you again, if you make a good offer, is like 50% more likely to buy something from you in the future. So we're going to make other offers to them. But how do you actually do that?'
Takeaway: • Ensure customers have a great experience with their first purchase to build trust. • Offer additional products that solve new problems or enhance their experience. • Implement automated customer journeys to present relevant offers post-purchase.