'They work amazingly with clothing brands like fashion brands because they show you from different angles...'
Takeaway: • Use GIFs to display products from multiple angles. • Animated visuals can highlight product features effectively. • Enhances customer understanding leading to higher engagement.'But I personally disagree. I think that they look fun. And they like convey the message.'
Takeaway: • GIFs can be professional if used correctly. • Use GIFs to explain complex processes or showcase products. • Consider your brand tone and audience when deciding to include GIFs.'If you do everything properly in your emails, you do not use spam words, your dedicated sending domain is set up, you have unsubscribed, you have uh you have your, you are sending to engaged list, it should not trigger the spam filter.'
Takeaway: • GIFs themselves don't typically cause spam issues. • Ensure overall email best practices to prevent deliverability problems. • Monitor email size to avoid clipping, which can affect deliverability.'Mike, the founder of Clever Gifts, he said that with some of their brands, they were able to increase their click-through rates with like for as much as like 80% or something.'
Takeaway: • Use personalized GIFs to feature recipient's names or details. • Tools like CleverGIFs enable dynamic personalization in images. • Personalized visuals can dramatically boost click-through rates.'and I mean there are some other cool ways to like animate your emails, but for that you will need some like additional technology. Something that we use quite a lot actually with our clients. Actually during the holidays time is countdown timers.'
Takeaway: • Consider using countdown timers to create urgency. • Explore AMP for Email to add interactivity. • Alternative technologies can enhance email engagement beyond GIFs.'So first of all, you can make it yourself with like the tools like Canva or just like in Photoshop... So any ESP, any email marketing platform that you use MailChimp, Klaviyo... It's a simple, there's a one in a drag and drop edit thing, there's image. You don't need anything else, right, it's an image, you just drop it and you upload from your computer your GIF.'
Takeaway: • Use tools like Canva or Photoshop to create GIFs. • Upload GIFs to your email platform as you would with images. • No special coding is needed to add GIFs to your emails.'I heard that GIFs cannot be super friendly if you're trying to do the accessibility friendly email, right? So some people who say have like epilepsy may like trigger some processes...'
Takeaway: • Be cautious using GIFs that may trigger seizures in susceptible individuals. • Ensure GIFs comply with accessibility standards. • Be aware of copyright issues when using GIFs with copyrighted content.'If we talk about the structure of the email itself, I've seen this like GIFs to be used in different parts of the emails. Obviously the most popular one is the hero image, it's very popular...'
Takeaway: • Use GIFs in hero images to grab immediate attention. • Utilize animated product blocks to showcase products from different angles. • Add GIFs to footers to draw attention to additional content.'I would say it's an advanced version of call to action or like advanced version, so it's not a button or static text or image, it's animated, so it's a CTA but on steroids which supposed to the hypothesis to improve click-through rate in your email.'
Takeaway: • Animated GIFs can serve as enhanced calls to action. • They capture attention more effectively than static images. • Incorporating GIFs may boost your email click-through rates.'And when you add movement, your click-through rate will be increased and it's easier to tell the story about what you're trying to say in the email.'
Takeaway: • Use GIFs to make your emails more dynamic and engaging. • Animated content can help increase click-through rates. • Visual movement helps tell your brand's story more effectively.