So, that is a prediction for 2025, the big shift. We know that email gives us more visibility. It's seen by more people, lives longer in the inbox, and builds more trust. It's kind of a no-brainer to make sure that we're growing and email is full of our ideal clients, whether we're on social or not.
"This is why this is one of the biggest pieces, because I don't want people sitting back, not taking action on email and not being ahead of the curve when these changes happen. We need to send more emails, so how do we do that in a way that sounds like us, that feels really good without overwhelming our audience?
"Instead, I want you to segment your audience into groups based on the stage in their journey. How do you do that? Ask them some questions, poll your audience, get them to vote, tag and segment them based on what they click on, on what they vote on.
"Here are 3 simple steps to get started. Number one, I want you to create a lead magnet, a free resource that speaks directly to your ideal audience and starts growing your list. If you haven't started growing your list or you have a small list and you need more eyes, more people, more ideal clients on there, please don't sleep on this.
"Get real. Of course, I love productivity tools like Chat GPT, saves me so much time every week as a solo business owner, but with the prevalence of AI tools, people can sniff out generic one-size-fits-all scripts from a mile away. Your audience craves you, craves authenticity.
"Now, one of the best things about email marketing is that the data doesn't lie, right? We can't hide from our open rates, our click rates, and which topics and calls to actions are resonating with our email list. This data is pure gold.
"Here's the key. Your audience isn't a one-size-fits-all. You've heard me talk about that already multiple times. You've got buyers in all different stages of their journey. Some are ready right now to hit buy, others need a little more nurturing, and some of them, they're just browsing the shelves, curious about what you offer.
"This means one big thing—you need to email more often and do it in a way that feels good for both you and your audience. Now's the time to take a hard look at what your email marketing strategy looks like, find opportunities to dial it up, and build a plan that's both impactful and sustainable.
"And then there's the ROI, your return on investment. For every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect to make an average of $36. Let's just take a moment to let that sink in. $36 for every $1.
"First off, it gives you something social media can't—direct access to your audience. When you send an email, it lands right in someone's inbox. No algorithms deciding if you're 'worthy' of visibility. No guesswork about whether your message gets seen.