What's really fun, outbounders, is you get to decide based on the temperature of the prospect, what goods you're gonna be offering them. You know, how can you make it like they feel stupid for not taking you up on it.
Takeaway:There is a profound difference between where prospects are in relationship to you and your offer, and your sphere of trust and influence, and their likelihood to convert. And enter the circles we're staring at here, Jeremy.
Takeaway:This is my favorite part, Jeremy. How do you find people with a pain point now that you've known that they have a budget? There's no one answer here.
Takeaway:Honestly, most outbound folks are ignoring the past customer list to make money on. And I'm like, come on guys, like there's, there's something here and they're like still kind of just outside the bull's eye.
Takeaway:Think about like hey for this layer, how can I bring them closer or maybe just one layer, not try to close them straight away, but trying to actually just bring them closer and closer to the center.
Takeaway:We can reduce the call to action so that it's like, hey, watch 2 minute little video. I'm not asking for you for a 30 minute demo, just like, let me show you, you know, one solution, right? So, dumbing down the CTA so it's easier will bring people closer.
Takeaway:Honestly, I would go from an inside out perspective. Like, if you feel like you haven't revisited your past clients in 2 years, all right, fish in a barrel, go, go say hi to them. You owe it to them and yourself just to check in and 1 out of 10 are gonna say, you know what, I have a new opportunity.
Takeaway:It's kind of like the marketing funnel but applied to outbound sales. Imagine you have a gun to your head, and you have to make a sale today... There is a profound difference between where prospects are in relationship to you and your offer, and their likelihood to convert.