"Did you match the message so that it feels like it really is for them? I'm not talking about first line. I'm really saying, like, do you have the relevant case study?"
Takeaway:"Your prospect on your list right now has already been hit 100 times by your competitors. What makes you different? What makes your message special and worth their time in response?"
Takeaway:"Don't repeat the same thing, try to find a different angle... We also promote agencies on a directory... It is already like a different value proposition all the time."
Takeaway:"Pay attention to things that people don't pay attention to most of the time. That could be a really nice signature with some interesting links... Follow-up are two areas that are like completely oversight."
Takeaway:"Hire Jack or another agency and you basically ask them to teach you how they are doing their cold outreach or to improve your existing one."
Takeaway:"Don't do it yourself. Place one person at each role that could be, for example, copywriter, campaign manager, list reply handler, and only do review because otherwise you're gonna burn out very, very quickly."
Takeaway:"Even if you have a great list, not every prospect is created equal. Your job once again is to prioritize that list and find the subsegment of prospects that are deserving of a disproportionate amount of your resources."
Takeaway:"Just look at all the 'I' in your text and see if it's very 'I'-centric or 'You'-centric type of thing. That's an easy test."
Takeaway:"When you're writing messaging, talk about your prospects' challenges, their pain instead of your solution."
Takeaway:"The number one thing you need to know about outbound sales is the harder it is to build your list, the easier it is to get a reply."