"It's made my open rate go up a little bit... and it has just made things really fun."
Takeaway:"Here are some of my faves that I've sent in the last 6 months. My favorite was called 'Debate'... Then they opened it. It was a debate on what we should name this podcast... There was another one called 'Patricia'... people were like, oh my gosh, what's wrong with Patricia... there was another one... called 'Nudge'."
Takeaway:"It's a challenge if you will, and it's going to help you create intrigue. It's going to help you stand out."
Takeaway:"So imagine you are actually scrolling on your phone, on your Gmail account and... everybody's doing the same 3 to 5 word subject line, but yours is just one word. Like visually it's going to stand out."
Takeaway:"Have you ever tried a one word subject line? If you have been on my email list in the last 6 months, you have seen me do these... my email open rate went up like 5% and I was like, oh, I'm going to do that again and again and again."