Affiliate Swipe Emails That Actually Get Sent

Learn how to craft swipe emails affiliates love using proven strategies that boost promotions and conversions.

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Why invest in quality swipe materials?

High-quality swipe materials are crucial for empowering affiliates to effectively promote your products.

"The affiliate is only as good as the materials you give them... So you've got to kind of step it up when it comes to your swipes."

  • Investing in quality swipes can increase affiliate sales.
  • Supports affiliates' efforts and boosts their confidence.
  • Reflects positively on your brand and product.

Importance of personalizing swipes?

Personalization in swipe emails ensures affiliates' messages resonate with their audience authentically.

"I know you don't want to send an email out that sounds exactly like so and so... Here's how you can vary this email to make it sound more like you."

  • Encourages affiliates to adapt swipes to their own voice.
  • Personalization enhances connection with subscribers.
  • Prevents emails from seeming generic or impersonal.

Why support your affiliates directly?

Direct support can maximize affiliate success by addressing their specific needs and questions.

"Be willing to get on the phone or talk over Voxer with your affiliates for maximum success and to help them kind of understand how they can use the swipes."

  • Personal interaction strengthens affiliate relationships.
  • Provides an opportunity to offer tailored advice.
  • Demonstrates your commitment to their success.

How can examples improve swipes?

Including examples with your swipe emails can help affiliates better understand how to apply them.

"Give examples... This will be really familiar with you if you're in my $9 a month email marketing membership, I give examples of every single template and swipe that I do."

  • Examples provide context and inspire affiliates.
  • Helps affiliates see how the swipe can be adapted to their voice.
  • Increases likelihood that affiliates will use swipes effectively.

Why provide extra swipe emails?

Offering extra swipe emails provides affiliates with options, reducing overlap and increasing campaign diversity.

"Give more emails than you need. If it's a 5-day launch, don't just give 5 emails, give 8, 9, 10... That way, not everyone is sending out the exact same emails."

  • Additional swipes prevent messages from becoming repetitive.
  • Allows affiliates to choose emails that best fit their audience.
  • Enhances overall reach and effectiveness of the campaign.

Why create videos for affiliates?

Videos can enhance affiliates' understanding of how to personalize swipe emails, increasing their effectiveness.

"Make a video... walk them through each email and tell them how they could vary it... Here's how you can vary this email to make it sound more like you."

  • Provide visual guidance to assist affiliates in making swipes their own.
  • Videos can clarify customization options and boost affiliate confidence.
  • Enhances engagement and promotes better affiliate relationships.

How to guide affiliates on timing?

Clearly instructing affiliates on the timing of emails maximizes the impact of your campaign.

"You also want to tell them when to send it out... Send this out a week, 2 weeks before. Send this out the day it launches."

  • Provide a schedule for when affiliates should send each email.
  • Aligning timing ensures coordinated promotion efforts.
  • Helps affiliates plan their content calendar effectively.

Why offer multiple subject lines?

Providing multiple subject lines helps affiliates avoid sending identical emails, reducing email fatigue among subscribers.

"Give multiple subject lines... everyone's got the same subject lines, the same content."

  • Offer a variety of subject lines to prevent repetition among affiliates.
  • Unique subject lines increase open rates and engagement.
  • Helps affiliates maintain their brand voice.

Why make it easy for affiliates?

Simplifying the process for affiliates encourages them to use your swipe emails and promote your products more effectively.

"How can you make this as easy as ABC 123, right? The affiliate is only as good as the materials you give them."

  • Provide clear, straightforward swipes to lower barriers for affiliates.
  • Remember that not all affiliates are expert copywriters; make it simple.
  • Easy-to-use materials increase the likelihood of affiliates promoting your offer.

How to tailor swipe emails for affiliates?

Customizing swipe emails for different types of affiliates can significantly boost the effectiveness of your affiliate marketing campaigns.

"Always, always, always, as you're writing your swipes, think about who would be best to send these out and have swipes that are varied for the different kinds of affiliates you have."

  • Tailor your swipe emails to different affiliate personas (new vs. experienced affiliates).
  • Provide specific content that resonates with each type of affiliate's audience.
  • Varied swipes allow affiliates to feel more comfortable and authentic when promoting.

Episode Info:

Episode 76: How To Give Your Affiliates Swipe Emails They Actually Want To Send
Episode Link:
affiliate marketing, swipe emails, email strategy
Episode Air Date:
January 13, 2025

Podcast info:

Show Name:
The Email Sound Booth
Liz Wilcox
Liz Wilcox

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