'Also how to pre-sell your program so that you can start getting buyers before you actually... open the doors... There's this huge confidence boost that comes when you're able to presell seats... It creates a little bit of FOMO, and... helps you throughout your whole launch.'
Takeaway: • Pre-selling generates early revenue and validates your offer. • Early sales create social proof and urgency for others to join. • Boosted confidence from pre-sales can positively influence your launch strategy.'I do think you need to push yourself a little bit out of your comfort zone around pre-launch and launch... How can we get creative and use the emails that we are already creating and reuse them into social media posts... Let's be smart about what we are putting out.'
Takeaway: • Try new formats or platforms to reach a wider audience. • Repurpose content to maximize exposure without overwhelming yourself. • Small challenges can lead to significant improvements in your launch results.'A simple email swap... I'll email my list about your freebie and you email... your list about my freebie... If you know when your pre-launches and your launches... This would be a great time for me to help promote you... So that's the other advantage about being intentional about this.'
Takeaway: • Plan collaborations during pre-launch to maximize mutual benefits. • Email swaps can introduce you to new audiences interested in your niche. • Being intentional with timing enhances the effectiveness of collaborative efforts.'When we're talking about the pain, it's not solving the pain... you're bringing attention to people's pain... The tendency for most of us in the online world is to over-educate... But what telling someone what to do to solve their pain does... they think, Oh, I got the answer. I'm gonna go do X, Y, and Z.'
Takeaway: • Address pain points to make your audience aware of their problems. • Avoid over-educating or providing complete solutions during pre-launch. • Create curiosity and a desire for the comprehensive solution your product offers.'A pre-launch is for selling your process, not your product... For someone to invest in the pre-launch plan program... they have to believe that a pre-launch is the way for them to take the stress and overwhelm out of their launch... By doing that, it becomes a natural next step.'
Takeaway: • Educate your audience on your methodology to build belief in your solution. • Position your product as the logical next step after understanding your process. • This approach warms up your audience, making them more receptive during the launch.'We just talked about how would you end a pain point... Maybe you're just pushing people towards your free resource at that point... Maybe you're on social, and that's how you're pushing... You can use your pre-launch activities as part of a way... to start growing your email list.'
Takeaway: • Utilize pre-launch content to promote valuable freebies, attracting new subscribers. • Collaborate with others through email swaps to expand your reach. • Schedule activities like webinars or workshops during pre-launch to grow your list.'I definitely have seen a shift in the market... you have to be doing the research and finding out where your potential clients, what they're feeling, what the temperature is, so that you can address the elephant in the room... I wrote an email specifically around the, the being burned and around that topic because I knew it was important.'
Takeaway: • Use market research to understand your audience's current concerns and hesitations. • Address these issues directly in your pre-launch content to build trust. • Real-time feedback helps you adjust your messaging before the official launch.'So I like to break up the weeks into themes... The first week, I like to talk about why, why you do what you do... The second theme... is pain points... The next theme... is talking about myths that someone believes and the objections that they have... And then the last theme is the transformation. Like, what is the thing that your person really wants and how do you help them get that?'
Takeaway: • Organize your pre-launch content into thematic weeks: Why, Pain Points, Myths/Objections, and Transformation. • Addressing these themes helps move your audience closer to purchasing. • Strategic content planning ensures you cover all necessary messaging before launch.'And she is like self-proclaimed, super introverted. And so the fact that we were able to do it in a way that fit her personality and her sales style is also a huge component of what I teach... There's a lot of shoulds... But we don't really take into account our personality and how it meshes with that.'
Takeaway: • Customize your pre-launch activities to align with your personal strengths and comfort levels. • Avoid following one-size-fits-all advice; instead, adapt strategies that suit you. • A personalized approach can reduce stress and improve launch outcomes.'...going in and having a very specific promotional period around your product or service is always going to yield better results than being in an evergreen funnel. It's just the way it is. When you draw attention to one thing, that is where your audience will shift focus to.'
Takeaway: • Implementing a dedicated pre-launch period can increase engagement and sales. • Focusing your audience's attention on a specific promotion yields better results than evergreen content. • Strategic pre-launch planning can make your launches less overwhelming and more successful.