"I added a bonus to my launch... The bonus was anyone who booked a call with me during the launch... got a free 10-part email sequence with their sales page."
Takeaway:"I took one day of the week to batch as many emails as I could. And then I just wrote the rest in real time while I was launching."
Takeaway:"I did not post on social media even one time. It was all an email launch."
Takeaway:"I did not look at my opens or clicks or unsubscribes until the end of the launch... I didn't dive too far into it... I just don't think it's healthy or necessary to micromanage or critique yourself that deeply."
Takeaway:"I have these 35 emails now and they are like a body of work that represents my signature offer... I'm going to repurpose it... have them in a section on my blog... So anyone who lands on my website can go to Sizzle Sales Page Copy and read through from start to finish everything they need to know about my signature offer."
Takeaway:"For getting the prompts for my emails, I used AI. I used ChatGPT... And I got like those prompts from ChatGPT and then I was like, absolutely, I hear this from clients all the time. Let's roll with it."
Takeaway:"I had lots of unsubscribes, hundreds... I love it. And here's why I love it because I want to be able to tell you that this is so normal... The only reason people unsubscribe is because the offer is not something that they need or want right now."
Takeaway:"Start with your why story... Then it was all about my process, approach, framework... I sent emails that highlighted my process... I also answered questions... I also countered objections... I also used emails to share client wins and results."
Takeaway:"I sent 35 emails between October 8th and the 18th... So, I sent about three or four emails every day... If you hear 35 emails over nine days, four emails a day, and you're like, wow, I could never. Yes, you absolutely can."
Takeaway:"I wanted to do a launch of my very own for a service that I have never 'launched' before... So, some backstory. I have an offer. It is a sales page copywriting service, done-for-you sales page copy. It is $4,000. It is what I guess you would call my signature or my core copywriting offer."