"You guys have may have noticed... We're trying to be out there a little bit more. We're trying to let you guys understand, hey, hi, we're here... The thing that we're really trying to evolve right now is that how... you're listed. It's terrible. How do you fix it?"
Takeaway:"When you have a job to do... it makes it so much more difficult... when somebody isn't doing those right. And we really shouldn't put that blame on the filter... That's why it's important for you as a sender... to pay attention to those little things..."
Takeaway:"I understand that some people are like, I need to have as many email addresses in my list as possible so I can have as high of ROI as I can. That's not necessarily always the truth... Does it really matter? Is the spam getting blocked? Is it effective for you?"
Takeaway:"One thing that I wanna really, you know, get into some of these mailbox providers about is the fact that delete and report spam are right next to each other. Makes it really easy to click one or the other... So it's just a confusing thing."
Takeaway:"When it was the beginning of the pandemic, man, I was receiving emails from... I bought the oxygen sensor in like 2005, and I never went to the website, and I got this thing... Guys, you had... I didn't do anything with you for 15 years, and now you want to tell me about... COVID and whatnot."
Takeaway:"There's also other ways to think about engagement. Not only are you monitoring, you know, clicks and opens, but if you have a, you know, a shopping cart and you send receipts to somebody, has that person logged in and bought something from you? That's a sign of engagement."
Takeaway:"Sometimes when people move from ESP to ESP, sometimes that suppression data doesn't transfer over. So they're like, here's my list, and then they go and put it into the thing, and then they get blacklisted because... they had a bunch of users that were like, nope, I don't want this email."
Takeaway:"So, you know, when we're talking about the opt-in stuff, it's, it belongs to you. It's something you should keep track of... As the brand, it's your responsibility to keep track of it."
Takeaway:"Really, I was one of the only ones who was more or less raising my head saying, yep, I'll go to the conference and learn all this stuff and bring back feedback and go to these sessions. You know, the most important thing when you're talking about somebody who wants to go to a conference... It's really about connecting with people, learning who's there in the industry... It's meeting those people, developing those connections, and learning those things."
Takeaway:"But yeah, the whole concept around transparency... It's really, you know, letting people know not only just what things are, but why. We're great in our industry by saying things like, implement two-factor authentication, implement all of this authentication stuff, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, BIMI... but we're not really saying why or how."