“The idea here is that we can start to show or hide certain blocks of content within the same email based around what we know about that subscriber.”
Takeaway:“So the most common example of this that you should know is adding someone's name to the email. So this is using a merge field or a personalization field.”
Takeaway:“So this is where once an automation is begun, you can decide which version of an email you will send based around what you know about them.”
Takeaway:“So the most common example of this that you would know is the abandoned cart. So this is where someone abandons a cart and then you send out some abandoned cart emails.”
Takeaway:“We want to start thinking about first at the first layer, perhaps you just want to send at the email. So whether it's the campaign or the automation email at their local time.”
Takeaway:“We can create two versions of an email and it can be as simple as you just want to split test a subject line or you want to split test the whole content of an email.”
Takeaway:“So this is very simple. So this is instead of sending one email out to everyone, maybe you send two or three versions of that email out to distinct groups based on their category based on this data.”
Takeaway:“So this is we can figure out certain things about our subscribers based on what they do. So we can do it based around if they've opened an email, clicked on a link or visited a web page.”
Takeaway:“Now, this comes with only some email marketing software. One that does this really well is Klaviyo. So they have fields like where they can predict someone's next order date, the average time between orders, customer lifetime value, all of those sorts of things.”
Takeaway:“So the first one is a bit obvious and that is to ask. So this is where we want to get more qualitative data, right? So things like what are they interested in? What topics, what category do they fit in or what stage are they at?”