'You know well and truly that email marketing is where it is at, and that you should be sending emails on a regular basis. And if you aren't, you are literally leaving money on the table.'
Takeaway:'So you combine this question with your content plan and you will have a very powerful and strategic email setup that... you can see the purpose of.'
Takeaway:'So now, hopefully, you're seeing why it's so important to ask this question before every email. What do I want my subscriber to do as a result of this email? And that's where you start.'
Takeaway:'From a technical point of view, engagement is the most important thing for your email deliverability and whether your emails go to your inbox versus spam, etc.'
Takeaway:'What I want to share about is how to resolve that conflict between sending content to your audience... and selling... And that secret is intention.'
Takeaway:'If you're running a promotion... you don't want to just start with going straight to the sale after not talking to people... Instead, you want to start at that awareness piece... Then start boosting that engagement... and then you can go into the sale where people are already in that mindset about, yes, you are someone I want to work with.'
Takeaway:'We also want to make sure we include on a regular basis, highly engagement-focused emails... These are emails that are sent with the intention of getting your subscribers to pretty much either click or reply... The idea here is we just want to send something out that gets people doing something.'
Takeaway:'But from a technical point of view, engagement is the most important thing for your email deliverability and whether your emails go to your inbox versus spam, etc. So we always want to provide opportunities for people to engage in your emails.'
Takeaway:'There are three main email intentions... The first one is awareness... The second intention... is engagement... Then third, we lead into sales.'
Takeaway:'What I want to share about is how to resolve that conflict between sending content to your audience... and that secret is intention. So whenever you write an email, I want you to ask one key question. What do I want my subscriber to do as a result of this email?'