"I take it for granted that most cold emailers have some level of dynamic content... even if it's just a name and a company."
Takeaway:"It really is about a static message. And how many times that static message is sent? For Microsoft?"
Takeaway:"We also introduced... when there is a sender bounce... we pause it automatically... rather than actually keeping on trying to send and... you end up with like 500 bounces."
Takeaway:"You should diversify your sending... when it happened to us, we switched to Google Workspace and that was very good."
Takeaway:"People... register to a lot of auto warm up or they have the same auto warm up and they crank it up... you're going to trigger some alerts and then you risk your account being blocked."
Takeaway:"If you have like a very aggressive follow up sequences towards your volume... that's very important."
Takeaway:"I just woke up and I started actually just designing the thing and programming the thing and 12 hours later... we call it Reword... we reword with AI every email we're sending."
Takeaway:"We realized that if we give the feedback to enable reword on your output, so they won't actually look the same... then actually just leads to people being able to have their campaign uninterrupted."
Takeaway:"If you think about it again, from the point of view of Microsoft... they imagine people to just either get infected by a virus and then start blasting... always the same sort of messages."
Takeaway:"Bounces—bounces from Microsoft basically, it's what we call sender bounces. So someone tried to send and Microsoft said no, I'm not going to send your email. It looks like spam."