"When you go and do that... there is no offer, there's no paid offer... I'll mention a small lead magnet... But the rest of it is pure content that your audience will be able to go and use."
Takeaway:"People would come along to my page, my opt-in page... and they would put the name and email address in. So now they're on my email list... I would basically, the way, the way I got the traffic to the lead magnet... So I was already doing this sort of influencer dropping in being helpful thing way before it was cool or fashionable."
Takeaway:"I really think you need to go to whoever or wherever your audience is already hanging out... Go in there and be helpful... So that's one of the first things I would do."
Takeaway:"So here's this week's subject line is, what is that smell? Question mark?... And what's really, really curious about it that gets so many opens is we don't know if the smell is a good smell or a bad smell."
Takeaway:"That leader... introduces you as... the world's leading expert on email marketing... That is them endorsing you. They just put you on a pedestal too and you get to borrow some of their credibility."
Takeaway:"From now on when you communicate and when you're reaching out with people... I would offer two options. I can either do it as, hey, it's completely free... or I've got another version where it's great value content and then there's an offer at the end and I'll pay you a commission fee."
Takeaway:"Rather than like going in there pitching people... I was just able to go into these discussions on this forum and be helpful to people... and it would say, oh, I've got this free trick. Do you want to go learn it, go get it for free."
Takeaway:"Find people who have already assembled your perfect clients into some places around the world... and go and speak in front of their audiences... I must have done more than 100 different trainings for different groups that brought me in thousands of email subscribers."
Takeaway:"I would run an online summit... I would invite them all to speak at this event, give them a 40 minute presentation slot each, have them all promote it... and then I would build the email list from that because I'm hosting the summit."
Takeaway:"I built what was at the time, the biggest email list in that niche... And the way that I built that was, I used a viral contest... where people would basically encourage their friends to join my email list."