Secrets Behind LinkedIn Super Connectors

Get actionable tips to become a LinkedIn super connector. Learn to craft effective headlines and maximize your impact.

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How can you improve your own LinkedIn headline?

Applying these insights can help you craft a more effective headline.

If I had to do a rerun, I'd probably do CEO at Salesbread and then say something like Podcast Host on B2B Lead Gen... That would actually be pretty darn good. And I hope since it was able to help me improve my headline.

  • Combine your job title with relevant social proof.
  • Reflect on your own headline and consider adjustments.
  • An improved headline can lead to better networking results.

What words are most common in LinkedIn headlines?

The most common words are 'CEO', 'Founder', 'Co-founder', and 'Marketing'.

So with 30 seconds left... what's the most common word in the headline? Found out... CEO is the most common. This is interesting. We have CEO number one followed by Founder, Co-founder and then Marketing.

  • Including your role (e.g., CEO, Founder) is common and effective.
  • These titles help establish your position and credibility.
  • Consider including your role in your headline to align with best practices.

Do you need to be famous to become a LinkedIn super connector?

Most super connectors are not famous; intentional and consistent outreach is key.

I did not see that these were like household names that I went through. I didn't recognize a single... most super connectors don't have the Mark Cuban name, which is good for us.

  • You don't need fame to build a large network.
  • Intentional networking strategies are more important.
  • Consistent outreach can make you a super connector.

Can social proof in your headline backfire?

Be cautious with the type of social proof you include, as it can sometimes appear vain.

I always find it a little bit cheesy, but that's just me... To me, it's more like vanity stuff. So there's a difference between like a real proper social proof and vanity.

  • Ensure your social proof is genuine and relevant.
  • Avoid vanity metrics that may turn off potential connections.
  • Consider how your headline appears to others.

What separators should you use in your LinkedIn headline?

Using pipes (|) to separate items in your headline is most common and visually effective.

And while we're here, Jeremy, I have a question for you... how do you separate the items in your headline? What's the most common? Personally, I think a pipe works better... You would be in the majority. So 54% of super connectors are using pipes. So the answer is there: just use pipes.

  • Use pipes (|) to separate different elements in your headline.
  • Pipes are more commonly used and preferred by super connectors.
  • They enhance readability and organization.

Should you use stats in your LinkedIn headline?

Very few people include stats in their headlines, and it may not be effective.

This was a surprise for me. Very few folks included numbers like sold 1 million units or fund-raised over $500 million. People aren't really doing that.

  • Including stats in your headline is uncommon among super connectors.
  • Focusing on job title and social proof may be more effective.
  • Avoid overcrowding your headline with numbers.

How to craft an effective LinkedIn headline?

Including your job title and social proof in your headline can make it more effective.

Now my new recommendation for how to make a good headline: say CEO at company and then something that elevates your credibility. So if you've written a book, include the word author. If you're the host of a podcast, put host of a podcast, that seems like a trend worth paying attention to.

  • Combine your job title with social proof in your headline.
  • Highlight achievements that elevate your credibility.
  • This approach can increase connection acceptance rates.

Why is your LinkedIn headline crucial?

Your LinkedIn headline is an opportunity to establish credibility with potential connections.

We have the headline which is different than your job title... But the reality is, it matters. And also if you see the ellipses, you don't get an infinite number of characters, you get 71 characters. So it does make a difference what it says. It's an opportunity to establish credibility with the strangers.

  • Your headline is different from your job title; use it wisely.
  • You have 71 characters to make an impression.
  • A well-crafted headline can improve connection acceptance rates.

What do LinkedIn super connectors have in common?

Studying super connectors can reveal effective strategies for expanding your network.

The reality is even people that have clout within the industry, to get to 30,000 connections, you have to be intentional about doing it and they're sending a lot of outbound in order to create those networks.

  • Intentional outreach is key to growing your network.
  • Even well-known individuals send a lot of outbound requests.
  • Consistent effort leads to becoming a super connector.

How to increase your LinkedIn connection acceptance rate?

Connection acceptance rate matters when reaching out on LinkedIn. Improving it can significantly enhance your networking efforts.

But in order to get a good response from LinkedIn, a lot of times you need to earn that connection first. Sometimes people reach out to you directly from the initial connection request message you send, but your connection acceptance rate matters.

  • Use personalized messages to earn connections.
  • Optimize your profile to appear credible to strangers.
  • Focus on strategies that increase acceptance rates to improve overall engagement.

Episode Info:

#379 - The Secret Behind LinkedIn “Super Connectors” (Data Episode)
Episode Link:
LinkedIn, Networking, Optimization
Episode Air Date:
October 8, 2024

Podcast info:

Show Name:
Cold Email Outreach
Jeremy Chatelaine and Jack Reamer
Jeremy Chatelaine
Business - Marketing

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