These people asked to hear from you, right? When they opt in, they opt in. That's giving their consent. They want to hear more.
Takeaway:Email did that. Nothing else. I mean, obviously email and my commitment and consistency. So if you're serious about growing your list, you're serious about helping... you have to stay top of mind. And in order to stay top of mind, you have to email.
Takeaway:Your efforts will be better spent instead of trying to come up with this, you know, complicated strategy on how to get people to open, get people to click that haven't opened or clicked in years... Your energy would be better spent just finding new people that give a crap right now.
Takeaway:But if they don't open the emails, just delete them. Really anybody, just delete the people that don't open in the next couple months... your energy would be better spent just finding new people that give a crap right now.
Takeaway:Stop ghosting your list. If you want to take your business seriously, if you want to take your revenue seriously, and you actually give a crap about the people that consented to your emails, commit to sending these newsletters.
Takeaway:We're going to send out 1 or 2 more emails in the next 7 to 10 days. Yes, we don't want to wait around. 10 days is pushing it. I personally would send them out like email 1 on Monday, email 2 Wednesday, email 3, maybe Thursday or Friday.
Takeaway:In this post ghost strategy, we are going to again, set those expectations, tell them what's coming. Hey, we're going to do this. I'm going to teach that. I'm going to offer you this kind of help and these paid and free resources.
Takeaway:Now, if it's been more than 6 months, basically we're just going to put them through the welcome emails again. So whatever your welcome emails are... we're gonna use up those welcome emails, change them up to be instead of hey, welcome to a hey reintroduction type of thing.
Takeaway:But for the love of all that is holy in the inbox, don't you dare apologize. Don't say, oh my gosh, I'm sorry I haven't emailed you in a few months. Nobody cares. Say it with love, nobody cares. Don't apologize.
Takeaway:So if it's just been a few months since you emailed and you were mostly regular before that, just pick up where you left off, just start emailing. Nobody cares. Nobody's really noticed, and you can act like nothing has happened.