Everyone who leaves a review will get a secret code to get two months of my email template and email marketing strategy for free.
Takeaway:I got so much great feedback. Last month... I did an episode where I just kind of stepped away from the email marketing... and shared updates with what's going on in my life and some of my favorite things.
Takeaway:I love my skincare brand... It's called Skin By Erin... And I heard about her because one of my dearest friends, my cousin Angela who helps to write for me and my company as well, wrote for her for Erin skincare maker...
Takeaway:Across the board being consistent, treating your clients like people, talking to them, not just when you are selling, doing personal reach outs, personal connections, relationship building...
Takeaway:How do you help people look forward to your emails in their inbox?
Takeaway:A solid email marketing strategy is always built on relationships. But how do you build real relationships with your email subscribers?
Takeaway:...I see so much value in storytelling and connecting with your audience as what we do as copywriters...
Takeaway:What I see working though still is consistent client nurturing to your email list, personal connections and reach outs and being really clear about what you do in your messaging and who it's for and not being afraid to consistently show up in people's inboxes. Not just when you have a sale all the time, even the product based businesses I write for, we send out two emails a week minimum...