It's really important to actually look at what the error messages are saying. If you're looking at data from just like an overview level, sure you're gonna see bounces, you're gonna see that that number increase, but it doesn't tell the whole story. You have to, you know, get in there, dig into the data, dig into the error messages and the error codes and really kind of find those patterns...
Takeaway:We did notice that, you know, there were situations where we saw zero deliveries for, you know, let's say we've never delivered to this address, but it's recorded engagement. And that's what, you know, the sender was looking at, that's what they were actually using to filter...
Takeaway:But what we saw is that they would continue those bounces, sometimes even different types of bounces, but they never got anything successfully delivered. So that was a key metric that seems really simple when you think about it, it's like, oh, if it didn't bounce, or if it bounced and it didn't deliver, but you don't really put that together when you're looking at your data.
Takeaway:That lends itself to the discussion that we've had a number of times is, you know, is deliverability an art or a science? You know, how much interpretation is there, how much hard data is there? And I think the term that we coined on one of the previous engagements I was on was the dark arts of deliverability.
Takeaway:One of those best common practices is just as Nick said, making sure that you're looking not just at, you know, 5 XX or 4 XX or that you're looking just at the text of the bounce message but that you're looking at both together because a lot of times if you look at just one or just the other on an island, it doesn't give you that context...
Takeaway:Sunset policies are so much more difficult now though, with things like MPP. Can you trust the engagement? That's why it was actually something from, you know, going back to previous podcast... You need to look at engagement outside of just the email, like, what are these users doing? Are they making purchases with your brand? Are they doing something on the website?
Takeaway:There's absolutely a balance there. How do you know if you haven't done enough? Spamhaus will tell you. How do you know if you've done too much? That's where it becomes a little more of a science or art, if you will. We try to balance it looking at incremental increases there.
Takeaway:Whenever you're doing this investigation and research into different, you know, failures, whether they're permanent and, you know, hard bounces or soft bounces, it gets really confusing to me whenever you see things done by one mailbox provider, that is done differently by another mailbox provider, so it gets challenging from time to time... That's why bounce classification or bounce handling, how your ESP is doing it is extremely important.
Takeaway:Generally when we look at what we call a bounce again, you know, everybody's a little different, but the general consensus is that's sort of a permanent bounce. So you attempt to deliver to Brad at and you get a bounce back from Gmail that says, you know, this doesn't exist or can't deliver or whatever, 500 error code, generally that's gonna let us know, okay, stop trying to deliver to this.
Takeaway:We've seen a lot of impact from, you know, our friends at Spamhaus, they've been quite a hot topic in the deliverability space over the past few months, so we've seen a lot of activity from them, a lot of discussion around that.