So here's one for you, which is this page is, and then I've got the, it's like a bag of money. It's like a little yellow bag with a dollar sign on. Then it's the, and then in parentheses, copy mine. So essentially if it was all in words, it would say this page is money parentheses, copy mine. But I've used a bag of money emoji...
Takeaway:Habits are hard for you to get into if you don't do them every day as well. Like the reason you brush your teeth every day is because you do it every day... It's easy to do every single day.
Takeaway:There is an additional thing you can do, which I'm seeing a really interesting uptick on. It's something I would definitely consider doing and it's been on my radar for the last few months to maybe introduce a special email each week, which is more like a newsletter style with different sections in it...
Takeaway:...if you're emailing less than three times a week, it's very difficult for Gmail and all of its, you know, all of its band of merry men and women to really become certain or have any confidence in how good your emails are or not. So if you give it more ammunition, if you give it more proof, more emails right, then you are gonna have better placement in the inbox.
Takeaway:The thing we'll often do the day after a launch or a day after the offer closes is I'll send one more email that next day, which says just so you know, that offer is now closed and that just reminds people for the next time we open the cart. Oh, when they say that thing, that their things close and they are over, they actually mean it...
Takeaway:Apart from the last day, when I'll generally do three emails on the last day, depending on what time the offer closes. I'll do an early one on that morning of the last day saying who today is the last day. Then I'll do one in the middle of the day. Go no time. Now you run out and I'll do one final one just one hour before the offer closes.
Takeaway:So what is the frequency for promotional emails and the frequency that I tend to use is I'll do two emails on the day, on the same day of the offer opening of announcing the offer. The early one will be very much like, hey, I've just announced this thing later in that day, much later in the day, you know, six or eight or 10 hours later. I'll, I'll email saying, oh, here's a bit more detail and then I'll probably email once a day for the rest of the promotion.
Takeaway:I mail seven days a week and sometimes on a Friday, I'll schedule the ones that go out on Saturday and Sunday. Not always, not that often. Actually, mostly I'm doing it in real time because I've just linked the habit of writing an email every day to make my first cup of tea of the day.
Takeaway:The problem with emailing any less than three times a week is that people will forget who you are because we are all on so many people's email list. Right. How many times do you get an email each week where you go? I can't even quite remember. Have I gotten that person's list or who that person is or what they do and what they help with.
Takeaway:I think there are kind of two different types of frequency. One of them is what we're going to call launch or offer frequency and that is when you are promoting, right? It's like promo time, promo frequency. It's when you're promoting something, maybe you've got a new class coming up, a new webinar, a new master class, a new course, a new program, a new service that you're offering and launching.