"You might also want to think about creating a custom abandoned cart sequence just for this period... you might want to duplicate that and create a temporary abandoned cart automation which mentions specifically your Black Friday offer."
Takeaway:"So a couple of extra strategic elements... perhaps using a flash promo within a promo. So sometimes, especially if you've got an extended Black Friday promotion... you could have like a 24 hour like flash extra 10% off or flash bonus gift or something fun like that..."
Takeaway:"A simple strategy is at the top of your emails put if you don't want to receive these Black Friday emails, click here and then what you would do is create a segment based around anyone who clicked that link... and then you just exclude them from sending those emails."
Takeaway:"So you might want to think about those who have purchased within the promo period. So if you have had someone already buy within the Black Friday... maybe you don't want to keep reminding them about your promotion."
Takeaway:"The second category is all about segmenting. So segmenting is a way of, you know, sending different emails to different groups of people based around what you know about them."
Takeaway:"And one other final content tip which is completely opposite to all of that is for a bit of fun, maybe buck the trend a little bit and have like one email in there which is the opposite, which is not all flashy images and texts and giving people a break on the eyes and standing out by being opposite. And I mean, just having a very simple text style email which shares what you've got on offer..."
Takeaway:"Also, we want to make sure to include extra converting, getting layers. So things like social proof... So think about adding in some social proof. So maybe like a testimonial or like just a statement about, you know, five stars from Google."
Takeaway:"Another thing you can layer in is dynamic product recommendations. So with software like Klaviyo, you can do this super easily. So you can create custom product feeds. So you can set the criteria for what these feeds will be... but you can also do it based around that particular individual's browsing data and history with you. So it actually will make it fully personal to the products that they will most likely be interested in."
Takeaway:"You could also think about layering in countdown timers. These are a great visual representation of the timing, especially when there is a strict deadline. Anytime we can visually show someone a deadline versus just talking about in words is fantastic."
Takeaway:"First one is with your email design, consider putting a banner at the top. You know how websites have those little sticky banners at the top when you've got something important going on, why not put something like that at the top of your email? So at a glance, everyone knows straight away above the fold what your offer is without having to go in and read the rest of the content. And you can include a link or a button there as well if you like"