"And remember I had 141 people on the waitlist, right? By the end, I had made 141 sales. How did I do that? Well, I avoided this mistake. I shared the entire creative process with my email list."
Takeaway:"We wrote down all the modules we think need to be in this course. What do you think is missing? And I literally sent, you know, it was handwritten and I sent a picture."
Takeaway:"So then every single week, I would tell people about it. Hey, I know 141 people clicked they were interested. Here's what I'm doing this week."
Takeaway:"Disney is a great example of doing this. When they're launching a new movie, they do all sorts of behind the scenes content."
Takeaway:"And I'm like, no, what if this company had instead of working quietly, what if they just shared the entire process, you know, from 0 to 100 of this microphone, from, you know, thought process to creation, right?"