'I do this a lot during Black Friday. I say, hey, you know, I've got this annual pass coming. If you join the list, you're going to get all the details about it, and you're going to be the first to be notified.'
Takeaway:'That way you're getting people that are interested, right? It's not just everyone. It's those really warm leads. So quizzes are a great way to get people off of social media and onto your email list.'
Takeaway:'So if you have this engaged following, you can tell them, you know, actually, I give my most awesome, amazing tips, tricks, pictures, whatever you're offering, right? Over on my email list.'
Takeaway:'Now, if you're ready to really take your list building seriously and start emailing... I'd love for you to join email marketing membership... I'll send you an email every single week that you can take and make your own.'
Takeaway:'So these are 5 ways to grow your email list, getting those people off of social media and onto your email list... Again. Monthly giveaways, contests, quizzes, email exclusivity and product pre-launch.'
Takeaway:'When you are launching a product... get people on your list. Hey, I'm going to be launching XYZ... Get all the info by joining the list... social media is great for buzz, and this kind of carries that buzz over to your email list.'
Takeaway:'Actually, I give my most awesome, amazing tips, tricks, pictures, whatever you're offering, right? Over on my email list... move over there and your super fans, your engaged people definitely will.'
Takeaway:'I find social media, people when they're on social media, for some reason, they just turn into big giant quiz lovers... You know, promote a quiz... Take this quiz, right? So you create the quiz, and they, you know, enter their email to get the results.'
Takeaway:'Create some sort of contest... For example, I might do a contest where... someone's going to get a free year into my membership, but they have to do XYZ... the best welcome sequence is going to win that year in the membership.'
Takeaway:'Number one monthly giveaways, so. This, this can be physical, it can be digital stuff. Like if I was on there, I might do a monthly giveaway of, you know, 3 free months into my email marketing membership, right? And every month I give it away.'