None of them directly impacted my business plan or my strategy. But each of them shifted something within me.
”Take a moment to connect with yourself and with your community.
”Never underestimate the power of connection, of personal growth and of a little bit of surprise.
”Sometimes letting go of expectations can make room for something even better.
”The universe seems to have a funny way of surprising us when we allow it and gives us exactly what we need when we need it most. We just have to trust that it’s coming.
”What this taught me is that sometimes personal growth is what we need to propel our business forward. And it might just happen in ways we haven’t tried yet.
”If you could do that, what is stopping you? Right? Like what's stopping you taking your business to the next level? What's stopping you pressing send on an email? What's stopping you from stepping outside of your comfort zone and you know what? Nothing, nothing at all.
”I went into this conference with a laser focus on learning the next big thing for my business... But what made the biggest impact on me were the unexpected moments that had nothing to do with the traditional strategy.
”It’s really easy to forget, working from home or running a business from behind a laptop, just how isolating this journey can feel. You’re putting in the work day in and day out and maybe you’re getting some traction here and there, but you kind of feel like no one truly gets what you’re doing or why you’re pushing so hard.
”I went in with the intention of soaking up all the strategy insights to bring back to you. But what I got out of it was so much more than a business strategy. The real magic happened in the spaces in between.